My experience with the springs
I have five different set ups three of them have dead foot arms, 2.5 inch buffer my other ones have Kentri/Patheonarms 3.5. Inch buffer I’m running 4-5 inch barrels on all my setups love them small lol but these springs work amazing for both of these types of buffers. A lot of people don’t realize the kentri works with these. Also, I use the black and black for 300 blackout and the black and red for 556. My 762 black and black as well. 450 bushmaster black and black 50 Beowulf, black and black all of these have the same buffers within half an inch difference,. I love the springs and they are always my first option. Never had a bad experience just takes a little tinkering. I’ve had my fair share of bad days at the range, and this is what I figured has worked best for me, and all of my friends, no Gun Smith, required at all to make them work. They just slide right in.